Beberapa tempat dimana saya pernah tinggal dan beraktivitas:
Rumah Gadang in a peaceful village, in West Sumatera,
where I was born and spent my childhood
Sriwijaya University, South Sumatera,
(early 90's and end of 90's).
Lovely place of work with pleasant colleagues
At arround St Kilda Beach, In Melbourne where I lived in the years of 1994-1997
Visiting Ceng Ho Mosque in the outskirt of Surabaya,
the city where I stayed for about 2 years (2000-2002)
Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan) in the year of 2000's, it was slightly the boring years
but then I realized that it was a good time with very unforgetable experiences
but then I realized that it was a good time with very unforgetable experiences
And I curently live in Jakarta....where my true life began...
What Do I Do ?
Being a student, a mother, a wife and a worker in one of institution. Sometimes feel like... 24 hours is not enough. But life goes on....